Articares In The News

Part I: AI-Enabled Portable Arm Rehabilitation Robot, “H-MAN”

Part II: AI-Enabled Portable Arm Rehabilitation Robot, “H-MAN”

ARTICARES: Personalized, more affordable arm rehab therapy at home

Robots delivering medicine and making therapy fun

NHG e-catalyst: H-Man Rehabilitation Robot

Modernising rehabilitation medicine as the sector in singapore

Meet the rehabilitation robots helping Singaporeans get back on their feet


Temasek Foundation, CHI to provide up to S$1.2m project fund for Healthcare Innomatch Winners

NTU, TTSH develop portable arm rehabilitation device for stroke patients

NTU spin-off ARTICARES launches portable arm rehabilitation device

脳卒中患者向けリハビリロボットが研究革新賞受賞 シンガポールNTU

3 innovations for a new era of remote care

Singapore develops portable arm rehabilitation device

Singapore develops portable arm rehabilitation device

NTU spin-off ARTICARES launches portable arm rehabilitation device 

NTU spin-off ARTICARES launches portable arm rehabilitation device for use from hospital to home

H-Man Arm Rehab Robot Investigated for Home Use